BOD Announcement

On December 7th, our President Paul Dayton, was admitted to the hospital with serious health issues.  Getting better is going to be his top priority.  Our prayers and well wishes are with him and his family during these stressful times.

Paul has been our financial steward in managing our organization and convention on a shoestring budget.  Often a voice of reason, he kept our group grounded and focused.  A long time gamer Paul has devoted countless hours in “giving back” to his hobby.

Despite the health circumstances have cut his current term short, he has achieved his major goals.  The first was to complete the task of bringing HMGS-MW into a stable financial status, including transfer of our savings to a high interest account.

The second, but perhaps more visible to you all, was the successful transition to Tabletop Events.  This included complete installation and debugging of the on-line convention registration & game event management system.  A system we also use for our single day events

Although Paul tended to work more behind the scenes, his contributions were paramount to our success.  The Board, HMGS-Midwest, and gamers, owe Paul a heartfelt thank you for his professionalism and service to our hobby.

Based on the HMGS-Midwest bylaws, the VP of Membership-Kevin Cabai, ascends into the Presidency.  It was nominated to move Tom Kuczak to VP of Membership and appoint Brandon Musler to Board Member-At-Large.

“Milton Bradley’s DOGFIGHT! got Brandon Musler gaming in the 60’s. He played his first computer game at Westhill H.S. (’76) and also founded its game club. After graduating Trinity College (’80) he ran The Hobbyist (retail) and became one of the Connecticut Game Club’s earliest members and officers. When not playing Euros, card-, computer-, and war-games and minis over the next 4 decades he worked in IT…but it was HMGS events that turned his daughter into a hardcore gamer and him into an enthusiastic GM.”

These items were confirmed and voted on, during a Special Board Meeting on December 12th.  The Secretary will remain Tibor Ipavic, and the Treasurer, is C.W. Moellenkamp.

One other change, is to our Legal Counsel.  The votes were cast for, Jon A. Michal, Attorney at Law.  Jon is a long time HMGS-Midwest member and prolific GM.  The transition, returns a Legal Counsel into that role who is intimately familiar with the hobby and its unique environment.  There is an added benefit, because this will now be done, completely without charge on a total pro-bono basis.

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