BOD Member Changes

On October 28th, Steve Fratt resigned from his role as President HMGS-Midwest.  Due to personal reasons he has made the decision to step down from the role.  Thankfully he intends to stay an active member of our organization.  He will be coordinating the upcoming Autumn Wars convention, leading the Ambassador Program at Nexus, and representing us at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show.  Steve will also be at Adpeticon, Little Wars, Gencon and Gamehole Con running his signature games.

During his tenure Steve has been able to turn around the organization and get us back in the black.  At Little Wars, attendance, membership, and events have all grown from previous years, and have made convention the success it is today.  Under his leadership we have made great strides in being innovative, in looking at new areas to enhance Little Wars and outside programs.  In particular was his work with the Navy, and Museum of the Sailor.   His knowledge, passion, dedication and friendship will be sorely missed, by all of us on the board.  But it is good to know he is only a phone call away.

Based on Illinois non-profit regulations the BOD needs to have as a minimum; a President, Treasurer (Paul Dayton) and Secretary (Tibor Ipavic).  According to our bylaws, if the President position becomes open, the VP of Membership (Kevin Cabai) assumes the role.   Based on pre-existing family issues, this was not a long term solution.  At the last Board Meeting (October 3rd), an agreement was achieved.  Paul Dayton will assume the role of President, and the Board voted to have CW Mollenkamp as Treasurer.  CW is an HMGS member and is a CFO for a manufacturing company in the suburbs.  Thus fulfilling the state regulations.

  • HMGS-Midwest all the gamers it touches, owe Steve a heartfelt thank you for his service and friendship to our hobby.

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