The Patch – Article on Naval Wars 2022

Gaming the Plains Wars
Jon Michal, General Counsel for HMGS Midwest, has found that this period really challenges your ability to manage skirmish battles and of course has some relevant history that we should all know about.

Asymmetrical Wargaming
Tom Kuczak, VP of Membership, HMGS Midwest shares his thoughts on memorable games created in this style.

Omaha Beach at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show
Steve Fratt is running an Omaha Beach game using plastic toy soldiers with simple rules at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show on Sunday, September 22, 2019. HMGS-MW was invited to be a sponsor and run a game showing the Toy Soldier Collectors what they might do with their soldiers. Everyone, especially kids, are invited to…
Two HMGS-Midwest Events in October and November
This fall, the action picks up again for HMGS-Midwest members with two sponsored events! Birth of the United States Navy Museum of the Sailor Great Lakes Naval Station, Saturday, October 13, 2018, 9am – Noon Cost – Free for HMGS-Midwest members (non-members can join HMGS-Midwest – $10) HMGS-Midwest members will be going up against Naval…