
Little Wars 2017 Theme Winner – Clash of Civilizations!

Little Wars 2017 Winner for Best Theme “Clash of Civilizations” goes to Andrew Schapals for his two Sci Fi events (yes, two events) entitled “You’re Making Caesar Cry” – Battle of New Ape City -3270AD and “Apes and Mutants and Bombs, Oh My!” – Ape Assault on the Forbidden Zone -2670AD. Both games were Parent-Child events using rules that Andy cretaed himself. Beer and Pretzels with home rules as Andy called them. Everyone had a great time playing these games, some even played in both games. Andy has been running events at Little Wars for a long time now, and always puts on several events that are always unique and fun. Congratualtions to Andy for his efforts and continuous support of Little Wars Andy will receive FREE admission to Little Wars 2018 and a coveted Blue Ribbon.

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