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Awards at Little Wars 2018
There were two major awards announced at Little Wars 2018 and two more that the Board is announcing as a result of the convention. Todd Fisher Awards 2018 The Todd Fisher Award is presented to HMGS-Midwest members which have shown commitment and service to HMGS-Midwest and Little Wars. Nominations for the award are submitted in…
Winter 2013 Newsletter
Winter 2013 Newsletter

Little Wars 2010 Theme Winner – Warfare in the Orient!
The winner of the 2010 Theme Award goes to Kevin MacDonald for his Operation Bear Grease II Viet Nam game. Kevin’s helicopters had great paintjobs right down to the men hanging out the doors on the guns. Everyone that played in the game had a great time and claimed it was the best game they…
Omaha Beach at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show
Steve Fratt is running an Omaha Beach game using plastic toy soldiers with simple rules at the Chicago Toy Soldier Show on Sunday, September 22, 2019. HMGS-MW was invited to be a sponsor and run a game showing the Toy Soldier Collectors what they might do with their soldiers. Everyone, especially kids, are invited to…