Fall 2020 Newsletter
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Little Wars 2016 Winner for Best Theme “Revolution” goes to Aaron Filter and Phil Cook for their AWI events (yes, events) entitled Freeman’s Farm and Bemis Heights. Both games were 28mm utilizing Black Powder rules. They also ran a Zula wars games as well. Everyone had a great time playing these games, and they made…
Around Town Checks out the Little Wars Gaming Convention
Spring/Summer 2015 Newsletter
Little Wars 2017 Winner for Best Theme “Clash of Civilizations” goes to Andrew Schapals for his two Sci Fi events (yes, two events) entitled “You’re Making Caesar Cry” – Battle of New Ape City -3270AD and “Apes and Mutants and Bombs, Oh My!” – Ape Assault on the Forbidden Zone -2670AD. Both games were Parent-Child…
Check out the vendor lineup at Little Wars 2019! 2019 NS vendors