Recent Events – GaryCon March 2022

11:00 am. Saturday, November 30th, 2019 The holiday season is right around the corner. Come and join us for our your charity tournament. Get involved, donate, have fun, and have a chance to win great prizes. All players will be asked to donate a $15 toy for charity. We will have two Mega-Battles – one for…
The winner of the 2013 Theme Award goes to Steve Fratt for his series of three days at Gettysburg! Steve’s large setup in 5mm scale recreated the three day of this historic battle in amazing detail. Steve is well known for bringing large well terrained events to Little Wars each year, and this was no…
Fall 2011 Newsletter
There were two major awards announced at Little Wars 2018 and two more that the Board is announcing as a result of the convention. Todd Fisher Awards 2018 The Todd Fisher Award is presented to HMGS-Midwest members which have shown commitment and service to HMGS-Midwest and Little Wars. Nominations for the award are submitted in…