2019 Toys for Tots Drive

11:00 am. Saturday, November 30th, 2019
The holiday season is right around the corner. Come and join us for our your charity tournament. Get involved, donate, have fun, and have a chance to win great prizes. All players will be asked to donate a $15 toy for charity.
- We will have two Mega-Battles – one for Flames of War (Late War) and one for Team Yankee
- Players are asked to bring a 70 pt. Force that is comprised of Tank formation (s). One infantry and one artillery template are allowed per Force.
- New players are welcome! No miniatures are required. You will be teamed up with a more experienced player.
- We will play essentially the same scenario rules as last year except that the objectives will be pre-placed.
- We could use other volunteers to help setup terrain at 10:00 am.
- We will start promptly at 11:00 am. If you cannot play for the entire time, please come but plan on partnering with another player.
Hosted by Owen McGarel