Interview with HMGS-MW President
Prior to the 2016 Little Wars convention, Chicago’s own ABC 7’s Frank Mathie visited with our President Steve Fratt at his house for an interview. History’s Greatest Battles Replicated in Miniature.
Prior to the 2016 Little Wars convention, Chicago’s own ABC 7’s Frank Mathie visited with our President Steve Fratt at his house for an interview. History’s Greatest Battles Replicated in Miniature.
There were two major awards announced at Little Wars 2018 and two more that the Board is announcing as a result of the convention. Todd Fisher Awards 2018 The Todd Fisher Award is presented to HMGS-Midwest members which have shown commitment and service to HMGS-Midwest and Little Wars. Nominations for the award are submitted in…
Fall 2014/Winter 2015 Newsletter
Please find an up-to-date list of events at Little Wars 2019 at the link below. Note that there have been a number of game slots reserved for on-site registration. List of LW 2019 Events-4-21-2019 (MS Excel) List of LW 2019 Events-4-21-2019 (PDF)
Little Wars 2022 “D+7” Recap
Spring 2016 Newsletter
Little Wars 2015 Winner for Best Theme “First Contact” is Mark Anderson for his event entitled The Battle for Sword Beach June 6, 1944. This was run a huge 8 foot by 16 foot plus table and the miniatures were 15mm. This covered the beach landings and the surrounding area. It was quite magnificent. Congratualtions…